Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mt Seymour Again

Friday I did Mount Seymour again. 59 minutes from the old kiosk where the road starts the serious climb, to the far end of the parking lot. My iPhone said I was at exactly 1,000 m at the top, and coming off the Ironworkers Bridge I was basically at sea level. At the kiosk, I was at 118 m.

I had a mental collapse coming around the last hairpin turn when I couldn't see the parking lot. I just became completely unable to push myself anymore and I allowed myself to slow down to 10 kph (from 12 or so). Once I crested the small rise, the parking lot was right there and almost flat. Something to remember if I do this again: Be prepared for the fact that you can't see the parking lot from the curve.

Another thing to remember: After the second hairpin, the slope gets a bit easier and there's a couple of minutes where I could up the pace to about 16 or 17 kph.

I hadn't done a good job of marking my time the last time I did this. I remembered 55 minutes as my time, but it could be that I was slower then. Watching my speed this time I think I was going as fast or faster than last time. Most of the time I'm doing around 12 kph.

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